
Showing posts from June, 2017

Civil war

It is impossible to take a 500-page book and turn it into a film without losing some of the important details in the storyline. The premise of both the book and the movie hold every element of what makes a drama great, including tragedy and a great heroic character. Central to the theme of the book is the role of the legal system in society. The book spends pages upon pages emphasizing time spent in court focusing on the trial in order to paint a picture for the reader about the methodology involved in the judicial system.

Civil Action

It is impossible to take a 500-page book and turn it into a film without losing some of the important details in the storyline. The premise of both the book and the movie hold every element of what makes a drama great, including tragedy and a great heroic character. Central to the theme of the book is the role of the legal system in society. The book spends pages upon pages emphasizing time spent in court focusing on the trial in order to paint a picture for the reader about the methodology involved in the judicial system.